Abnormalities in the liver are disorders of liver function that cause various disorders in the body. Abnormalities in the liver are often asymptomatic if it is still in its initial stages. Some diseases of the liver include hepatitis, hemochromatosis, primary biliary cirrhosis, liver cancer, alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver.
The liver is the second largest organ in the human body. The liver works hard to perform many functions such as fighting infections and diseases, removing toxins or poisons, controlling cholesterol levels, helping blood clots in the event of an injury, to produce bile to aid digestion. The abnormalities in the liver refer to all potential problems that cause the liver to fail to function properly.
Abnormalities or failure of liver function can be classified into two, namely:
- Failure of acute liver function. This condition occurs suddenly and very quickly without prior warning or symptoms. You will experience a loss of liver function in a matter of weeks or even days. Generally, this condition is caused by viral infections such as hepatitis A, poisoning, autoimmune diseases, and drug overdoses that can occur due to consuming too many drugs or certain herbal supplements.
- Chronic liver function failure. This type of chronic liver disorder occurs more slowly and can take months or years before finally causing symptoms. This condition is usually caused by consuming alcoholic drinks in the long run which causes cirrhosis.
- Alcohol-related liver disease, in which the liver is damaged after years of consuming excessive amounts of alcoholic drinks. Damage to the liver due to alcohol is usually in the form of scar tissue in the liver or often called cirrhosis.
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver, which is liver disease caused by fat accumulation in liver cells. This condition usually attacks people who are overweight or obese.
- Hepatitis, inflammation of the liver caused by a viral infection or exposure to harmful substances such as alcohol.
- Hemochromatosis, an inherited disorder in which iron buildup occurs gradually in the body, especially around the liver.
- Primary biliary cirrhosis, a type of liver disease that occurs in the long term and is rare. This disease damages the bile ducts in the liver.
- Liver cancer, is a dangerous type of cancer that occurs in the liver. Liver cancer often occurs in people with chronic liver disorders such as cirrhosis, hepatitis B, or hepatitis C.
Symptoms of Abnormalities of the Heart You Need to Watch Out for
Not all people with abnormalities in the liver show the same symptoms, some of them don't even show symptoms until the failure of liver function has progressed to an advanced stage. But generally, symptoms of abnormalities or liver failure include:- Nausea and loss of appetite.
- Diarrhea and fatigue.
- Jaundice or jaundice.
- Easy bruising or bleeding.
- Weight loss.
- Itchy.
- Fluid buildup in the legs (limb edema) and in the abdominal cavity (ascites).
Risk Factors for Liver Disorders You Need to Know
There are several factors that can increase the risk of abnormalities in the liver, including:- The habit of consuming excessive alcoholic drinks.
- Injecting drug users together.
- Tattoos and body piercings.
- History of blood transfusion.
- Exposure to blood and other people's bodily fluids.
- Having sex without safety.
- Exposure to certain chemicals or poisons.
- Diabetes and obesity.
- High levels of triglycerides in the blood.
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